বৃহস্পতিবার, ১১ নভেম্বর, ২০১০

GK bR‡i †LvKmv Dc‡Rjv

mvaviY Z_¨ t

1| Dc‡Rjvi bvg                            t †LvKmv|

2| _vbv wnmv‡e cwiMwYZ nIqvi ZvwiL     t 25-10-1932 L„t ( cywjk †ók‡b msiw¶Z f~wg
Ges wewìs †iwRóvi `„‡ó )

3| Dc‡Rjv wnmv‡e cwiMwYZ nIqvi ZvwiL t 02-07-1983 Bs|

4| †Rjvi bvg                                t Kzwóqv|

5| Ae¯’vb                                   t A¶vsk †_‡K 88.3589.22
                                                   `ªvwNgvsk| ( Kzwóqv-ivRevox mo‡K †LvKmv
                                                   evmó¨v‡Ûi Dˇi  .25 wKt wgt `yi‡Z¡ Aew¯’Z)

6| AvqZb                                    t 115.60 eM© wKt wgt|

7| mxgvbv                                     t c~‡e©-cvskv Dc‡Rjv, cwð‡g-KzgviLvjx Dc‡Rjv,
                                                t cvebv †Rjv Ges `w¶‡Y-ˆkjK‚cv Dc‡Rjv|

8| †jvK msL¨v                               t †gvU 1,15,160 Rb|
  cyi“l t 59443 Rb|
  gwnjv t 55,717 Rb|
9| †fvUvi msL¨v                             t †gvU -78647
  cyi“l - 38911
  gwnjv-  39736

10| Av`k© MÖv‡gi msL¨v                   t 3 wU ( 230 wU cwievi c~be©vwmZ )|

11| Avevmb cÖK‡íi msL¨v                 t 1wU, (3wU e¨vivK nvD‡R 30wU cwievi

12| †Rjv m`i n‡Z `yiZ¡                 t moKc‡_-24 wKt wgt, †ijc‡_-22 wKt wgt|

13| †gvU MÖv‡gi msL¨v                      t 110wU|

14| †gvU †gŠRvi msL¨v                      t 85 wU|

15| wkw¶‡Zi nvi                            t 47.15 %|

16| AwW‡Uvwiqvg                             t 1wU|

17| mfvK¶                                  t 1wU|

18| mve-†cvó Awdm                        t 1wU|

19| kvLv †cvó Awdm                        t 9wU|

20| †Uwj‡dvb G·‡PÄ                      t 1wU|

21| †Ljvi gvV                               t 10wU|

22| wm‡bgv nj                              t 3wU|

23| Lv`¨¸`vg                               t 2wU (aviY ¶gZv1000) †gt Ub|

24| †ijI‡q †ókb                          t 1wU|

25| evmó¨vÛ                                t 1wU|

26| cvewjK jvB‡eªix                      t 1wU|

সোমবার, ২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১০

Khoksa Upazila (kushtia district) with an area of 99.17 sq km, is bounded by kumarkhali upazila on the north, shailkupa on the south, pangsha on the east, Kumarkhali on the west. Main river is gorai.
Khoksa (Town) The area of the town is 3.13 sq km. It has a population of 6192; male 51.24%, female 48.76%; density of population is 1978 per sq km. Literacy rate among the town people is 44.5%. It has a dakbungalow.

Administration Khoksa thana was turned into an upazila in 1983. It consists of 3 union parishads, 79 mouzas and 92 villages.
Archeological relics and monuments Kali temple and Nilkuthi.
Population 93371; male 51.65%, female 48.76%; Muslim 83.88%, Hindu 16.08%, others 0.04%.
Literacy and educational institutions Average literacy 25.2%; male 30.8% and female 19.2%. Educational institutions: college 4, high school 13, government primary school 42, primary school 27, madrasa 7; most noted of which is Khoksa Janipur Pilot High School (1900).
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